On July 12th, 2021, we started our company-wide Hydration Challenge organized by the ReArch Wellness team, which is comprised of the Director of Health, Safety & Risk Management-Holly LeClair, Controller-Mary Ann Wood, and Project Manager-Majken Poley. Every Friday for three weeks, employees tracked their hydration habits in a google document by the number of cups they drank throughout the week. Additionally, the wellness team provided hydration-rich food to the field staff and office, along with electrolyte packages. During week one, watermelon was provided. Watermelon has a water content of 92%. It is also low in calories and high in antioxidants, making this delicious snack both hydrating and healthy. For the third week, they provided celery as the water-rich food. Celery has a water content of 95% and is very healthy and hydrating food to include in your diet. Consisting mostly of water, it provides close to a half-cup (118 ml) of it in a 1-cup serving! Infused water was available in the office for employees throughout the three-week challenge and included produce from employees’ gardens. One week chocolate mint was provided from IT Director Ted Assur’s garden.
At the end of the three-week challenge, three participants won a Hydro Flask: the winner of the challenge plus two names drawn at random. It was a close race to the top for the most water consumed, so we awarded a Hydro Flask to both Nick and JT, who consumed approximately 3,500 ounces of water each throughout the 3-week challenge, which equates to roughly 27 gallons a piece! Andrew MacKechnie, Field Superintendent, was drawn at random. Thank you to all who participated. Keep up the good work!